05 January 2013

Quiet times, times of love

The frostiness brings this wind that offers different waves of fresh air. Changes hit you in the face, but that does not mean that they are bad. Just as in everybody's normal life, photographers too have their downs and some ups. But now I am swimming in calm waters that lead me to reflect on my work as an artist.

Yana relaxing at the fireplace in Paris, Foto: Daniel Bauer

The anger is left behind to give room for the good vibrations of the entry of 2013 in Paris, the city of lights, and for me first and foremost of love. My view, my visions of things change for the smallest incidences. Because we, the veritable photographers, live our lives through the vision that some infrequent circumstances will fill us with satisfaction.

For sure I'll never abandon photography because I have it embodied in me, but my senses, yes, they do change.

You can not always swim against the current, it is useless to try that my models adopt the appearance and a resemblance to the manner of natural beauty I am looking for, even though it is not very difficult to reach. We live in the era of emptiness where there is plenty of everything but very little of the good. Superficiality expands. The long awaited...
end of the world on 21st December has not reached, but for sure the end of this area, that has left the world abraded, is approaching. My age stands for my experience, my career began with the analog photography when it still had its artisan sides, developing, the mix of special liquids to achieve the perfect image in my darkroom. All this lies very much in the past. But I'm still here!

What do I have now? 30 years of experience as a photographer in the field the nude, a digital camera and millions of competitors who take "excellent" photos with their mobile phones.

But as I said earlier I feel that the air that was compressed in my brain, pushing me to the brink of madness, has achieved to be replaced by a breath of fresh air. I will continue betting on my photography, where I try that women see the love and devotion in my photos that I have for them, and where men can learn the value and respect that a woman deserves.

Yana playful in sensual lingerie... Foto by Daniel Bauer

My art is for the people, is healthy and far from perversion; the sex, that I show so proudly in my pictures, is simply the result of love.

But as the seeker never finds, I leave the effort to put new women in front of my camera, able to let themselves seen in a photograph, to the fortune and to the energies of the other world - to find those rare and countable on the fingers of one hand, who knock on the door of the art of the nude to see themselves as new works of art. They are the ones that inspire my work and my enthusiasm to connect them with what I admire so much in a female figure.

Happy New Year! Yana at the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Foto: Daniel Bauer
And if accidentally in someone awakens the need to make art with me, then maybe I am prepared, but in the meantime I will calmly create from other sources, and still work on that infinite number of pictures that I could realize during this life.

I can advise my friends to relax during this this year that's beginning, and to listen to that inner voice that calls for calm. Look no further, the necessary is closer than we think. The art can breathe freely, provided we are willing to open our lungs and let it enter.

And with the tranquility in which I sleep these days I can go on and present my pictures, my art, which is only a sample of the sincere and immense love I have for the female sex, for love and for life.

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