In this story there are storks, nor the father who puts the seed in the flower of the mother. This is the story about the act of how photographs are coming into this world. Yes!
black and white nude by Daniel Bauer |
Or at least about how they were coming before we limited ourselves to see them on computer screens. What will become of the lives of the artisans of frames or photo mounts? The homes became almost completely anonymous. No posters, no family photos or pictures of art. Now we find golden kittens that move their arms, Buddha shrines or simply standardized decor, cheap, tacky, where before there was a photograph.
They say there was a time when there were few who had a camera. People who learned techniques to photograph professionally. They themselves created what is now called the styling, created the composition they liked, or simply used what was available on the location. The community of people paid these persons for sessions to get a personal photo for themselves or for their family. The work of these species was...