16 January 2013

The portraitist of bodies

One can look at the same object and perceive it in different ways, have countless varied sensations, connections with past situations, old emotions or maybe bad memories. The same happens when looking at an art photograph.

Can we feel something or have a strong impact at first sight?
And if not, what remains in the photo?

Art? Just another naked woman?
Perhaps the result of a click at the right moment, perfectly produced in its composition or post production, endlessly retouched with photo­shop, and a naked woman expressing with her face nothing but an empty soul in a naked body.

For sure some objectivity is necessary sometimes, but many issues also should be accompanied by some subjectivity.

In the case of contem­porary photography we must look with four eyes, so to say. The involution that photography suffered, left a new generation of those who call themselves "photographers" and try to transform a spontaneous click into an artistic photo by using some special effects by clicking a photoshop script.

My question is clear: What do you see when you look at a nude photograph? The first is the girl in question, that body that evokes sensuality, awakens your passions or your desires. Women want...

05 January 2013

Quiet times, times of love

The frostiness brings this wind that offers different waves of fresh air. Changes hit you in the face, but that does not mean that they are bad. Just as in everybody's normal life, photographers too have their downs and some ups. But now I am swimming in calm waters that lead me to reflect on my work as an artist.

Yana relaxing at the fireplace in Paris, Foto: Daniel Bauer

The anger is left behind to give room for the good vibrations of the entry of 2013 in Paris, the city of lights, and for me first and foremost of love. My view, my visions of things change for the smallest incidences. Because we, the veritable photographers, live our lives through the vision that some infrequent circumstances will fill us with satisfaction.

For sure I'll never abandon photography because I have it embodied in me, but my senses, yes, they do change.

You can not always swim against the current, it is useless to try that my models adopt the appearance and a resemblance to the manner of natural beauty I am looking for, even though it is not very difficult to reach. We live in the era of emptiness where there is plenty of everything but very little of the good. Superficiality expands. The long awaited...