16 December 2012

My ass for 50, my pussy for 100

A few days ago I met my ex-girlfriend, model and muse Yana. As we are no couple anymore since quite a while, she lives her life as a more and more successful art model and I live my life on my own, trying to do my thing.

Modeling: more than showing a pair of nice tits.
Yana photographed in bed, by Daniel Bauer
But when we come together for a photo session, even a very spontaneous and off-the-wall one, I feel again this natural flow that I described in a recent post, and enjoy the capabilities she deployed since I discovered her as a model few years ago.

That we know each other very well, that there's still a lot of love, sympathy and respect for each other for sure helps to produce this creative flow. But Yana also achieves excellent results with other photographers.

Her success doesn't surprise me at all.

While I am, almost desperately, searching models for my artistic work, the difference between a truly talented and well educated model (I am a bit proud of this...), and one of these girls who think, showing their tits is a fast and easy way to get rich and famous, couldn't be more obvious.

Recently I placed an ad:
"Wanted: open-minded, talented and sensual women with interest in artistic expression".

Although the further text explained that it deals about modeling and the ad contained a link to my official website, more than half of the mails I received came without photos, but with the request "Tell me what kind of photos you want to take".

Without "please", of course: Spanish/Catalan girls are not known for an exquisite style in communication... The other half sent overly retouched pictures who's meta-data revealed that they were taken years ago.

Yana by Daniel Bauer, a few days ago
Many wrote simply "kuanto kobraria?", freely translated: hwmuch get I? The only talents they showed were the ability to express their inaptness clearly and briefly and to insert three errors in two words. Of their native language, nota bene.

Searching on model portals is even more annoying. Last night I clicked thru french sites to find a model for my upcoming stay in Paris.

I saw tons of meaningless photos. Sometimes it's even impossible to say if it’s a woman, if she's 20 or 50 years old, has short or long hair, is skinny or round, because of all the applied "art"-effects.

Others have exactly ONE facial expression to show. Obviously the one of which they think that it's very professional and cool. It isn't. It's just deadly boring to look at such a bunched manifestation of missing sensitivity, inspiration and interest.

Adapted are the conditions. Many want to show up on a session with their watchdog. To have a jealous boyfriend on my side while I try to take sensual pictures is not exactly one of my deepest wishes...

I do understand that a woman first wants to know who the photographer is, before she gets naked in front of him, of course. That's why I always meet new models in a public place, a cafe, first. If she's got a bad feeling or is insecure about me (or I about her...), we simply will not work together. But under no circumstances I will accept a guardian during a session. That's just ridiculous. I guess, more photographers haven been robbed by models/watchmen than the opposite way round. There was a couple that even gained notoriety in this special interpretation of modeling.

Natural sensuality: Yana by Daniel Bauer
Anyway: do those simple-minded girls walk in with mummy on the hand, too, when they apply for an office job? Have they gone accompanied by their big brother to their teenage-jobs to look after kids? Do they really think a photographer would put his reputation at risk just for getting intimate with her? What an extreme overestimation of their attractiveness! What a sad underestimation of the artists!

No, this type of vixen only arouses one single desire in me: keep away from me as far as possible!

Another widespread species is the "model" that wants to dictate how the photos should look in the end. Nice - they are very welcome. As clients. Who pay ME!

With models I talk about the contents of a session and what I want to achieve. It's to take or to leave. But one cannot work with me, get paid by me, and at the same time dictate the conditions. It's simply confusing employer and employee.

To close this excessive rant, triggered by my depressing experiences of late, I'd like to introduce those highly intelligent, very serious girls, who tell me: I get naked for this price, and I show you my pussy for the double, photos may not be published. In these, unfortunately not so infrequent cases I am always tempted to say: and how much including a blowjob? What I really say, is: thanks, good bye!

Finding models is really hard work.

There are some, very few, art nude models, who made their talent to a profession. These are women, like Yana, who know, that modeling for artistic nudes is much more than just presenting tits and asses in front of a camera.

Personality, sensuality and interest in art
make the ideal model. Yana by Daniel Bauer
These are women with personality, natural sensuality and, above all, true interest in art.

They are able to estimate and judge the work of a photographer, because they do not only look in the mirror and get excited about their supposed beauty, but look at photography books, have an idea about the great photographers of the past and the present, visit galleries and museums, are generally interested in culture. And work seriously to always better their capability of expression. Or, as Yana said somewhere recently: I do charge for my work, but I don't do it for the money. Well said by an ideal model.

The best that can happen to a photographer is to find a natural, sensual, open-minded and intelligent woman, who until then didn't even think about being a model. When then "the spark jumps over" and the model starts to develop her interest in photography and art, there's a promising basis for a procreative collaboration.

If you know one of these uncommon women, please point her to my website!

If you are such a woman, contact me! Most of the time I am good-humored :-)